1840 Census Showing
Johnson C. Sargent
living in Monroe, Maine
Johnson C. Sargent
living in Monroe, Maine
The focus of this blog is from Joshua Dodge Sargent and back, with the hope that other branches of his family may find this blog and be able to offer information on Joshua and family and prior generations. Here is what is known by us about Sargent generations leading down to Joshua Dodge Sargent of Alton, Maine.
Andrew Sargent, the first Sargent ancestor known to us, was born around 1600 in Bristol, England. He married Mary Wathen on the 28th of September, 1623 in St. Stephen, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. Mary Wathen was born abt 1597 in Bristol, [parish], Gloucestershire, England and died 18 Feb 1629. They had a son:
William (or Williame) Sargent, son of Andrew Sargent, was born 20 JUN 1624. Gloucester VR, Volume 2, page 482, marriage record calls Williame "carpenter". Gloucester VR, Volume 3, page 274 death record says "93 years". He married Abegele (Abigail) Clark in Ipswich, Massachusetts on July 10th of 1651.
"William Sargent married Abigail Clark at a 'general traine at Ipswich' and the couple raised a family of seven children (2 died young) in Gloucester. Three sons married and raised families in Gloucester; three married and settled out of town. Son Andrew removed to Ipswich, had at least two children and is the ancestor of later famiies in Kittery, York, and Frenchman Bay towns, all in Maine. Son William removed to Boston and then Weymouth, and his youngest son Jonathan removed to York, Maine, becoming the ancestor of a number of families in the York, Wells, and Kennebunk Areas. Son Samuel moved to Annisquam, north of Gloucester, and was the ancestor of most of the Sargents in that area." - click here to view the site this information was taken from.Samuell Sargent, son of Williame Sargent, was born 22 March 1660 in Gloucester, Massachusetts. He married Mary Norwood on 24 May 1689 and died after 1746. For Birth date, see Gloucester Vital Records, Volume 1, Page 624. For marriage, see Gloucester VR, Volume, page 391.
SAMUEL married Mary Norwood, May 24, 1689. She died April 27, 1718; and he next married, June 19, 1725, Mrs. Ruth Newman. His father gave him, in 1694, the western end of his dwelling-house; but the place of his permanent residence was at Hogskin Cove. He had a grant of land on the easterly side of the cove, in 1695, "to set up fishing upon," and was one of the first settlers in that section of the town. He frequently served as a selectman, and, in 1729, as representative. The date of his death is not known, but it is certain that he was living as late as 1746. Of his ten children, six were sons, of whom four appear to have married in town. The oldest (Samuel), born in 1690, married Mary Emerson in 1713; and died about 1762, leaving a son Samuel, and a grandson Samuel not then twenty-one years old. The latter may have been the same Samuel who died in April, 1833, aged eighty-four. William, second son of Samuel Sargent, sen., born in 1692, married Susanna Haraden in 1726, and had several children. Francis, the next son, born in 1694, married Mary York in 1722, and had the birth of nine children recorded on the town-books. Solomon, the youngest of these sons, born in 1708, married Sarah Somes in 1735, and had three sons and a daughter born before 1742."
This information was taken from information about William and Samuel Sargent.
Solomon Sargent, son of Samuell Sargent, was born 12 January 1708 in Gloucester, Massachusetts. In 1735 Solomon married Sarah (Harvey) Somes (b. 12 Jan 1708 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, USA), and they had three sons and a daughter born before 1742.___________
Winthrop Sargent was born about 8 November 1737. For birth records see Gloucester vital records, Volume 1, Page 635. He served as a soldier in the United States Revolutionary War.
Winthrop married Mary Lord 31 December, 1765, in Boston, Massachusetts.
Winthrop Sargent and Robert L. Sargent, his son, are listed in the 1800 Census as living in Prospect, Maine. In those days, many people were "from away", as Mainers say, and both Winthrop Sargent and Robert L. Sargent are listed as being from Beverly (assuming Massachusetts). Winthrop married Sarah Stimpson in 16 December 1801. Winthrop is listed in the 1810 Census as well, but not in the 1820 Census.
Robert Lord Sargent was born about 6 October, 1771 in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Marblehead Vital Records, Vol. 1, page 456. He married Mary Dodge who was residing in Islesboro, ME. She was the daughter of Simon Dodge, and the aunt of Johnson Chase Sargent's wife, who married her first cousin. Robert L. Sargent is listed in the 1800 census as living in Prospect, Maine. He would have been 29 years at the time.
Johnson Chase Sargent, son of Robert Lord Sargent, was born 23 Jun 1811 in Belfast, Maine and died 9 February 1874. He married Eliza Dodge in October of 1835. The 1860 Census shows the following children living in the household:
Johnson Chase Sargent, son of Robert Lord Sargent, was born 23 Jun 1811 in Belfast, Maine and died 9 February 1874. He married Eliza Dodge in October of 1835. The 1860 Census shows the following children living in the household:
- Walter F. Sargent, 23 yrs
- Rosine (Rosina) Sargent, 21 yrs
- Watson B. Sargent, 20 yrs
- Johnson C. Sargent, 18 yrs
- Mary M. Sargent, 14 yrs
- Julia R. Sargent, 10 yrs
- Joshua D. Sargent, 8 yrs
Dixie ~
ReplyDeleteI have often wondered if my Sargent's are in some way related to yours.. My ancestor Samuel was married in the New North Church of Boston in 1765, Winthrop and Mary (Lord) Sargent were listed a month later in the same church. The entry is right under Winhtorp Sargent in the Church records. I have traced Samuel back to Thomas of Fort Pemaquid , Maine and his wife Ruth Johnson. Our family is getting ready to do a DNA study on our Male Sargent in our line...Do you have any Male Sargent that you know of that are still living? It would be interesting to compare DNA samplings or halpotypes of both Sargent famillies.
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ReplyDeleteMy great grandfather was from Searsport, Maine. My father Bert Sargent, was his grandfather. My son, Ian Sargent Rottman is the last of the male Sargents of this line.
ReplyDeleteMy father, Bert, was Leander’s grandson.